Thursday, April 24, 2008

Super delegates explained

With the Democratic Primary race being so tight the "super delegates" may be the deciding aspect in this election for the Democratic Party.

There have been a lot of questions about these things called Super Delegates. Super delegates are a group of delegates from certain states which when they go to the Democratic National Convention have not decided who to vote for...They are commited to neither candidate in the running.

This is different from the Republican National convention where the delegates go to the candidate hands down when the voting is done. Instead the Democrats would prefer to not know immediately. This year is turning out to be quite a race for the White house.

In conclusion the super delegates can decide who will be the candidate the party backs.This is because they hold 40% of the amount that is needed for the nomination. This is a bit unfair since when push comes to shove a candidate who is loosing in the public vote may win the nomination. This is all for now.

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