Sunday, April 20, 2008


Since my last blog was about drunk driving I figrued I would like to tie it into this blog about age. Here you need to be a certain age to do anything...The thing is even with the age the United States Government says there is still flexability with that. For instance if you want to go to an R rated movie you are supposed to be the age of 17. However if you are with someone over the age of 17 then you are able to view the movie.

The next example is going to be about gambling...You need to be only 18 years old to play the lottery however if you want to go to the casino you need to be 21. I feel that gambling is gambling whether it be at a slot machine or a desk.

I think that every one should have the same age limit for things hands down...Either 18 to do everything(except drinking) or 21

Now playing: Spoonfull - Spoonfull - 15 - Spoonfull - You (Drawn With an Eraser LP)
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Spoonfull - Spoonfull - 3 - Spoonfull - The Playground Kid
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: D-Mitch - D-Mitch - Oceans wBrian Demo
via FoxyTunes

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