Sunday, March 9, 2008


As I just said I feel that bringing our soldiers back from Iraq and Afghanistan would help our economy and help our view on the rest of the world. The reason why I did not explain how this would be done was because I know that I can babble on about things so I posted it in this blog.

The top three ways that bringing our troops home will be good.

ONE:economy- Some may ask how bringing our troops home could help the economy... Well bringing our troops home should help the economy because it would allow our non-wounded soldiers to get a high paying job that they had before they were sent over to the country where they were serving.
TWO:USA ROCKS the global settings: If the United States gets a compitent leader and we would be able to take our troops home and the United States would be somewhat more unified. Bringing our troops home would make America safer. This is because we would be united(hence the name)
FINALLY: fewer lives lost: This is most likely the best reason why we need to get our family members home.

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