Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I would like to say YES!!! Yesterday Barack Obama clinched the Presidential nomination for the Democrats. That being said I would like to tell Hillary Clinton did a phanominal job as a candidate for sticking it out to the end. She would be a great VP.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Weather

Recently there has been a large number of deadly tornado's in the mid-west states and so far this season has killed more people than in the past decade.  I can only feel for the thousands of people who have lost their homes thanks to these enormous  tornado's.  Tornado's are not the only weather that has been going on in the past few days there was also a massive earthquake in China.

Lets hope that the weather will calm down


Earlier in the week Director as well as legondary actor Sydney Pollock died...He was best known for his direction of the movie tootsie.Most recently he produced Michael Clayton which starred such actors as George Clooney.

He was a legend and will be deeply missed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Come on

Alright I figured I would leave my political blog alone for a few days and i think that I should bring up something that has been bothering me for a while now...That is the whole HGH/steroid scandal that has been going on in sports...This scandal is mainly from the baseball. The steroid thing i do not have a big issue with but the fact that the people that are being accused of taking steroids are some of the best athletes in their respective sports, Roger Clemens from baseball, Barry Bonds? Then there is also Marion Jones in track. I just think that it happens more often than people think so they should not bring good names through the mud so they can feel better about them-selves.

play on sports fans
play on

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am going to talk now very briefly on the "disagreement" that is going on in the 2008 Presidential Election. The disagreement I am talking about is the one between Barac Obama and his former Paster.

Personally I must admit that some of the paster s views are a bit extreme however with that being said:FORGET ABOUT IT!!! I mean we are all able to speak our minds freely. We are in America and we can do or say almost anything so long as it is legal.

Finally, Hillary Clinton, President Bush, CNN, and the FOX NEWS STATIONS should all be ashamed of themselfs for broadcasting final cut audio snippets that anyone can do in their basement with some time, lots of coffee and a computer! When things are taken out of context anyone can sound horrible. I think that this whole disagreement should just be forgotten about and let the candidates just debate it out without a lot of their names or who they are with be thrown through the mud.